Bret Clement 2009

Diploid,Dor. Mid/Late, 48" Height, 7.5"  3 Way Branching, 17 BudcountUF
Burnt orange self, orange red eye, green throat.
[Rosy Lights x (Eggplant Escapade x Joyce Brudd)]

Abundant Grace is a great addition to the latter half of your bloom season. The pollen parent sported a gorgeous bloom on a plant that lacked bud count, vigorand all of the qualities that one seeks in an introduction in addition to a pretty face. Somehow, Rosy Lights supplied those missing genes and the result was Abundant Grace. Abundant Grace has also proven to be a good parent and next year I will be selecting at least half a dozen of its kids for further evaluation. While the Creator poured out abundant graces to create this lovely flower,
my supply is not nearly as abundant.

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