Bret Clement 2009

Diploid, Dormant, Mid/late, 6", 34" Height, 2 Way Branching, 12-14 Budcount. UF
Purple self, green throat

This one is for those of you who would like to display a little arrogance in your garden, but found the idea of hosting an arrogant child of unmarried parents in your garden distasteful. Hobbits are much more cute and cuddly, so that even if one is not a fan of arrogance, the arrogance of a hobbit is quite tolerable. These purple unusual form blossoms are particularly striking due to the intense green throat. While the bud count is on the low side, the timing of the blooms are well spaced giving it a much longer bloom season than the bud count would otherwise suggest. The parentage tag got lost somewhere along the way, so I have no idea on the parentage. Fertility challenged, but the pollen will set a few pods. I hope it isn't too arrogant of me to recommend that you buy this one immediately.

Fertile Both Ways
Check Catalog List For Price
