

Bret Clement 2006

Diploid, Dormant, VLate, 5", 55" Height, 4-5 Way Branching, 20-33 Budcount UF Crispate.
Yellow self,green throat
(Challenger x Unknown (possibly Lola Branham))

 BLAST FROM THE PAST's  form can be described as a crispate trumpet, but does not mean the UF definition.  Given that the form  is reminiscent of cultivars introduced 40-50 years ago, one might question my sanity for introducing it. Start with the fact that BLAST FROM THE PAST is a very late and nearly the last cultivar blooming and add to  the fact that it increases like a rabbit.  Moreover,  BLAST FROM THE PAST is 4-5 way branched and is a bud builder.  This past summer the scapes started the bloom season with 10 to 13 buds in late July and its scapes had from 20 to 33 buds at the time of its lining out in late August. A clump in bloom gives the appearance of yellow wedding bells.  Alas, it may be infertile as limited use of its pollen has not been productive and no pods have formed in full sun.   On the other hand, due to the late bloom season I have not attempted to pollinate BLAST FROM THE PAST  the last half of its bloom season since any resulting pods during the latter half of the season would not likely mature before the arrival of freezing weather.  

Fertile Both Ways
Check Catalog List For Price
