Bret Clement 2012

Diploid, Dormant, late, 6", 31" Height, 4 Way Branching, 25 Budcount, UF Pinched Crispate.
(Hoosier Twister x Later Alligator)

BOOG'S WOOGIE is a maroon self with a yellow/green throat. BOOG'S WOOGIE is a great parent! I have often used BOOG'S WOOGIE in presentations to illustrate what is meant by a pinched crispate. It can occasionally be a bit unruly, but at times BOOG'S WOOGIE exhibits extreme pinching. Quite fertile both ways. Valuable for its late bloom season, BOOG'S WOOGIE is still in bloom when the vast majority of daylilies have quit for the year.

Fertile Both Ways
Check Catalog List For Price
