Bret Clement 2009

Diploid, Dormant, em., 7", 44" Height, 3-4 Way Branching, 10-20 Budcount UF Cascade.
(Starman's Quest x True To Whim)

HEAVENLY MENTOR is a lavender slight bitone with a purple eye and green throat. A few years ago before I had introduced anything, a grizzled and veteran hybridizer consented to look at some of my slides through a portable slide viewer and picked HEAVENLY MENTOR as his favorite seedling of the bunch. Named in honor of Ned Roberts, who I often sense is watching me as make my morning rounds. I generally grow my selected seedlings under relatively minimalist conditions to ensure that my performance statistics represent the bare minimum level of performance you might expect in your garden. Typical bud count is only 10, but with this past summer's adequate rainfall it had one scape with 20 buds, which indicates that those of you who coddle your daylilies more than I do can anticipate performance along the higher end of the above range.

Difficult Pod, Pollen Fertile
Check Catalog List For Price
